Larry Mullen Jr.'s U2 Pic and Chat Page.
A group picture in a pub.
The Edge from the "October era"
Adam from the "Rattle and Hum era"
Isn't that the truth !?
A group photo in Popmart, most likely during "One"
The guys at a Kmart press confrence
Larry behind his wall of drums


U2 is, in my opinion, the best, most influential band of the 20th century. In the group (from left on top left picture) : Adam Clayton, the bass wizard, a.k.a. "Sparky." , Larry Mullen Jr., the drum god. Dave Evans, the guitar tamer, a.k.a. "The Edge." And finally Paul Hewson, the lead singer and rythem guitarist, a.k.a. "Bono Vox." I also have a U2 chat room. Enter here.
Now my time among you is almost at an end; but don't fear, for I'll be watching you.

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Groovy pic of Adam in Popmart
Group on a cover of Entertainment Weekly
A really cool Popmart collage
The group during "One"
The coolest picture of Adam that I have ever seen!
Edge screaming his guitar during "Mofo"
Adam camoed in Popmart, probably during "Please"
Larry doing what he does best
Bye. Thanks for visiting!

Email Larry Mullen Junior (Not the real Lary Mullen Jr. but me. That is my Tripod login name.)

And this is the webmaster.